Regional Award Criteria
An Opinion by Mike Mackowski
Each year,
the IPMS/USA Executive Board is pleased to present several
Special Achievement awards at the annual National Convention.
The award cycle covers the calendar year period from January 1
through the end of December of year. Regional Coordinators
select a Regional recipient for the Chapter of the Year Award,
the Newsletter of the Year Award, and the Webmaster of the Year
Award, and those winners become that Regions nominees for the
national awards. These regional winners are provided to the
IPMS/USA Executive Board by the Director of Local Chapters and
the winning Chapter for each award is selected by a vote of the
Board. Note that at
the regional level there is only a chapter of the year
award. The other two are just nominations for the national
award that gets passed along.
All nominations for all awards are due to the
Director of Local Chapters (dlc@ipmsusa.org) no later than March
15th of the current year.
This Regional Coordinator (Mike Mackowski) prefers to have
chapters nominate themselves for these awards. The most
consideration will be given to nominations that address each
criteria and give specific examples of what their club does in
each topic area.
A summary of the selection criteria is provided below.
Chapter of the Year
The criteria considered for selection includes but is not
limited to:
Chapters that PROMOTE both the plastic
modeling hobby and our Society.
Chapters with a high percentage of IPMS/USA
national members
Chapters that provide SERVICE to their
Chapters that have regular meetings and
frequent activities (make n takes, contests, displays, etc.)
Have consistently demonstrated support of,
and cooperation with IPMS/USA National and Regional efforts.
Newsletter Editor of the Year
This annual award is presented to the IPMS/USA chapter and
editor of the newsletter than best exemplifies the goals and
spirit of IPMS/USA. The criteria considered for selection
includes but is not limited to:
The editor should be a current IPMS member
and will be so at the time of the presentation of the award
which takes place at the National Convention
The layout and design should result in good
readability, correct grammar and spelling.
Promotion of IPMS/USA National Membership
Inclusion of a list of local officers and
contact information
Timely and regular publication schedule and
ease of access (on club website, for example)
Website of the Year
This annual award is presented to the webmaster whose chapter
website best exemplifies the goals and spirit of IPMS/USA. The
criteria considered for selection includes but is not limited
The webmaster should be a current IPMS
member and will be so at the time of the presentation of the
award which takes place at the National Convention
The layout should result in ease of
navigation, with a professional design, and no broken links
Promotion of IPMS/USA National Membership
Inclusion of a list of local officers and
contact information
Timely and regular updates with fresh and
accurate content
Features which encourage modelers to visit
the website and encourage modelers to join the local chapter and
join IPMS/USA.
John Noack Comments (Director of Local
Chapters) from 2016
1. Chapter outreach - what does the
chapter do to attract new members? Mall shows,
contests, publicity, linking up with a LHS, flyers, etc.
2. Chapter engagement - what do the officers and members of
the chapter do to keep the interest level high and get
members to attend meetings? Show and tell, build
events, road trips, speakers, displays at venues and events.
3. Leadership - What does the chapter leadership do to go
the "extra mile" and keep its' members participating?
4. Engagement with other chapters and with national
organization - discounts for National members, cross-chapter
events, joint hosting of a contest, etc.
Mike Mackowski
Region 10 Coordinator
March 2013
Updated March 2015
Updated March